1914 June 28 –> Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated.
1914 July 28 –> Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, beginning World War I.
1915 June 24 –> Major General Leonard Wood is speaker at Norwich University commencement. One year later, the university confers an honorary master of military science degree on Gen. Wood at commencement 1916.
1915 November 1 –> Ira Louis Reeves takes over as Norwich University’s president.
1916 14 March –> The Mexican Expedition (originally called the Punitive Expedition into Mexico) by the United States Army against paramilitary forces of Francisco “Pancho” Villa crosses the border into Mexico.
1916 June 3 –> The National Defense Act of 1916 is enacted and the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is created.
1916 June 21 –> Ira Reeves is inaugurated as Norwich University’s president.
1916 June 22-30 –> The Norwich University Corps of Cadets (as the First Squadron, First Vermont Cavalry, Vermont National Guard) is called to Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, in anticipation of joining the Mexican Expedition but ordered back and demobilized upon arrival in Brattleboro, Vermont. This effectively marks the end of the Corps of Cadets’ status as part of the Vermont National Guard.
1916 July –> The Rough Riders Association, with particular support from Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt, announce they will attempt to raise $150,000 for commons hall and a riding hall at Norwich University.
1916 November 7 –> Incumbent U.S. President Woodrow Wilson is reelected, narrowly defeating Charles Evans Hughes
1916 December 16 –> The Norwich University Record reports that the university has been designated by the War Department as a cavalry unit of the Reserve Officers Training Corps.
1917 April 6 –> The United States declares war on Germany.
1917 April –> The Norwich University Board of Trustees authorize granting degrees to seniors ahead of schedule. No commencement ceremonies are held in June 1917 and June 1918.
1917 August 18 –> Ira Reeves submits his resignation as president of Norwich University after returning to active duty as a colonel in the United States Army. University dean, Herbert Rufus Roberts, serves as acting president until 1920.
1918 September-November –> Five current students die during the worst impacts of the influenza pandemic on campus.
1918 October –> Norwich University shifts from ROTC to become a unit of the Students’ Army Training Corps (SATC) and students are inducted into active military service.
1918 November 11 –> Germany signs the Armistice, ending World War I.
1918 December 11-21 –> The Students’ Army Training Corps at Norwich University is demobilized.
1919 January –> Norwich University is re-designated as a cavalry unit, senior division, in the Reserve Officers Training Corps.
1919 March 13 –> Major General Clarence Edwards visits the Norwich campus and gives an informal address highlighting the service of John D. Murphy (Class of 1915) in the war.
1919 October 10-14 –> Norwich University celebrates its centennial.
1920 October 19 –> The Taylor Riding Hall is dedicated in memory of World War casualty, Moses Taylor (Class of 1920).
1927 June 16 –> Graduating exercises for the Class of 1917 are incorporated into Norwich's 1927 commencement.
Notable alumni and Norwich University affiliates in World War I:
Norwich alumni deaths during World War I:
Student deaths during the influenza pandemic: