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NR104 - Focus on Nursing

Guidance for students in NR104 to complete literature research for your papers using advanced features in CINAHL.


What are Headings!?

CINAHL is the essential research database for you all as nursing students. Learning how to search it effectively early in your studies will serve you well in the long run!

Keyword searches in CINAHL can be successful, but you will have greater success discovering the proper heading, also referred to as subjects. In this result from a simple keyword search for "cost containment" there are a number of subjects.

Screenshot of CINAHL search result with the subjects highlighted.

Subjects in library databases like CINAHL are just like hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Hashtags are used to identify a topic that tweet or image is about and links like items together. Subjects are assigned to articles so you can find articles on the same subject easily. Finding the best CINAHL heading for your topic thus allows you to search by subject instead of trying to figure out the best keywords.