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Faculty Services

Library Instruction Options for First-Year Composition

Learn about our instructional modules for essential information skills.

Module #5

Student Learning Outcomes for This Module

Student Learning Outcomes for Module #5 - Basic Database Search Strategies

  • Students will be able to list several multidisciplinary databases available at the Kreitzberg Library.
  • Students will be able to explain what library databases are and how they are useful to the research process.
  • Students will be able to identify appropriate keywords for searches performed in Google as opposed to searches performed in library databases.


Finding Literary Criticism Sources [Approximately 20 minutes long]

This activity will help orient your students on what literary criticism is and how to locate these sources in the Library's collections. 

Finding Sources in Library Databases [Approximately 30 minutes long]

This activity is designed to help your students understand what Library databases are, recognize the difference between Library databases and Google, be aware of what the peer-review system is and how it works, and be able to find scholarly sources in Library databases.

Guided Database Search Session [Time is flexible]

Would you like for your students to try searching for sources in the Library's databases during your classtime? One of our librarians would be happy to walk them through the basics of getting started! A librarian would also be on hand to answer students' questions and to troubleshoot any research or technical issues that may arise.

A session like this can be anywhere from 15 minutes long to the length of the whole class session. You tell us what would work best, and we will accommodate you!