Did you know that if you copy and paste the URL of a journal article directly from your internet browser's search bar that it will expire and you won't be able to access your article when you open the link later?
Permalinks are designed to make sure that you can always access your article - they don't expire!
This guide will demonstrate how to create permanent links of journal articles found in some of the Kreitzberg Library's most popular databases.
The below instructions will work if you are using one of the following databases:
There are two ways to create a permalink in the EBSCOhost interface.
The new EBSCO interface allows you to copy a permalink directly from the browser's address bar.
On the page you would like to share, highlight the URL in the address bar, and use the copy and paste function to paste it wherever you would like to share the link.
To share a permalink from an item's record, use the Share button.
A note about the Share permalinks: These links will go through a service called OpenURL. If you are experiencing difficulty using the Share links, please contact us.
The below instructions will work if you are using one of the following databases: