The Library is migrating to the new EBSCO interface starting on January 7, 2025. During this time, the Library's EBSCO databases will get a new, more modern interface, additional features, and some changes to navigation and use. Permalinks created in the Classic interface will continue to work with the new interface.
Prior to the switch to the new interface, you will find some documentation about migrating data that will not transition with your MyEBSCO account, like folders and saved searches.
Once our databases have been switched over to the new interface, this guide will walk you through various tasks you may normally complete in an EBSCOhost database. Use the menu on the left to navigate to the task you are trying to complete for an overview of the relevant interface, as well as short video tutorials and related instructions.
In addition to this guide, EBSCO has provided video tutorials, documentation, and resources that can walk you through other tasks that you might complete in an EBSCOhost database on the EBSCO Connect platform. These tutorials, documents, and other resources may include information about features currently unavailable.
Of course, if you have any questions or would like additional assistance navigating the new platform, please feel free to reach out to us! We are happy to help.
The library subscribes to several EBSCO databases, which will all be migrating to the new user interface. These databases are:
Articles from scholarly and professional journals, magazines, and newspapers on a wide range of subjects, many full text.
Index covering international, scholarly and popular periodical literature, including publications of professional associations, U.S. state and regional periodicals and major serial publications on the architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America and Australia. Most records include citations and abstracts only.