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Find Book Reviews

Book reviews can be an excellent resource for getting familiar with the scholarly literature on a particular topic, or deciding what to read next. This guide will help you find quality book reviews through library databases.

About Academic Search Premier

Academic Search Premier has the most comprehensive collection of full-text journal articles and book reviews of any databases available through the library.

Conducting a Search

The screenshot examples below show a search for reviews of John Adams by David McCullough.

  • Use quotes to search for words together as a phrase ("david mccullough").
  • Click the green search button to retrieve search results.

I put my keywords in quotes to search for the words together as a phrase and put the search terms in different boxes. I clicked the green search button to start finding articles.

Reviewing Search Results

This search returned 109 results.

  • Check the box next to Reviews from the options on the left to show only reviews.
  • Reviews can be identified in the results with the Review icon.
  • To read the article in full, click on either HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text (depending on what is available for that article).
  • If the full text is not available, click on the Check for Full Text button. This will allow you to search in other databases or request it through Interlibrary Loan.

This search found 109 results. Check the box next to Reviews on the left side to show just reviews in your results.

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