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Library Instruction Rooms


Library instruction rooms are primarily intended to support library instruction classes, but other members of the Norwich University community may use the rooms.

Learn about the rooms:

Guidelines for Room Reservations

The library is a student services building. To meet the operational needs of the student support units in the library building and to allow as many people as possible to use these spaces, we use the following guidelines when booking the rooms:

  • One room is always left available for library instruction.
  • Student services units in the library are also given priority. These units are the Center for Academic Success and Achievement (CASA), the Counseling and Wellness Center, and the Center for Writing.
  • Rooms are only available when the library building is open.
  • Rooms can be scheduled for up to one week at a time or one day per week (subject to availability). Requests for more frequently recurring events are made on a case-by-case basis.
  • All first-time users of these spaces are strongly encouraged to attend an in-person hands-on orientation to learn how to use the technology in the rooms and to ensure that the equipment works as expected with their laptop and/or device. Please contact Claire Veach ( to schedule an appointment.
  • Rooms can be booked for meetings and other events (subject to availability).
  • Rooms are open for student drop-in use when not reserved.

To Make a Reservation

  • Contact our Library Circulation Manager, Sarah LaForce ( or x2668) to make a reservation.
  • When booking a room, include the time of the event and the time needed to set up and clean up after the event.
  • Event requestors are responsible for room set-up and clean-up if the event offers food and drinks.
  • Describe the A/V or IT needs for the event and the arrangements you made for tech support.
  • Rooms are not available for booking through the Registrar.

Food & Beverage

Personal food and beverages are permitted in the North and South Instruction Rooms; however, the rooms were not designed or intended to host catered events. For catered events, please request the use of the Todd Multipurpose Room.