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Norwich University Kreitzberg Library

Kreitzberg Library for CGCS Students

Get Started with Military History Resources

This guide will help you learn how to search the major databases for finding resources in military history.

About America: History and Life Full Text

America: History and Life Full Text is a database that offers historical scholarly journals, magazines, books and more covering the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present.

Conducting a Search

The screenshot examples below search for articles about the War of 1812 and navies.

  • I used quotes to search for words together as a phrase (i.e. "War of 1812").
  • I put my keywords into different search boxes to make the search simpler.
  • Click the green Search button to start finding journal articles.

I put my keywords in quotation marks to search for the words together as a phrase and clicked the green Search button to find journal articles.

Reviewing Search Results

This search found 445 results for journal articles.

  • Check the box next to Peer-Reviewed from the options on the left to show just scholarly journal articles in your search results.
  • Results are sorted by relevance with the most relevant articles shown at the top of the list of results.
  • To read the article in full, click on either HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text (depending on what is available for that article).

This search found 445 results which are sorted by relevance. To download an article, click HTML or PDF Full Text links. Check the box next to Peer Reviewed to show just scholarly articles in your results.

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