Oxford Bibliographies Online offers exclusive, authoritative research guides combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. This resource includes bibliography citations for books, journals and articles, web resources, multimedia, and primary source documents.
The library currently subscribes to the Islamic Studies, Medieval Studies, and Military History bibliography collections.
There are a number of ways you can locate bibliographies useful for your topic in OBO:
These will generally be fairly broad, covering time periods (ex: American Colonial Wars), a single war (ex: Chinese Civil War), an individual (ex: Carl von Clausewitz) or even topics like Armored War.
Here are the results for a search on Eisenhower. There are tabs in the results list to move between full articles/bibliographies and single citations. Under the citations tab, the search results do not take you directly to that section of the bibliography/article, so note which section it occurs in so you can navigate to it easily.
Drop-down menus allow searching in places other than the full-text (article title, article author, citation title, citation author, or sub-heading) and you can also refine your results to only include certain content types.