Databases are subscription-based, searchable collections of articles and other information usually focused on a specific subject or range of subjects.
The Databases list is browsable by Subject to make it easy for you to find the best ones for your research. If you know what database you want or need to use, you can also search by name.
One of our most popular databases is Academic Search Premier. It covers a wide range of subject areas and contains many different types of periodicals.
Articles from scholarly and professional journals, magazines, and newspapers on a wide range of subjects, many full text.
Type keywords into the search boxes to find articles related to your topic.
Notice I put my keywords on separate lines and used quotation marks around “war crimes” so the database will only find it as a phrase.
In the search results, you may see full-text articles available in HTML, PDF, or both.
Even if the full-text of an article is not available in the database you’re using, we may have access in different one. Click on the Check for Full Text link to see.
If we have the article in elsewhere, it will take you to page with links to the full text in one or more databases.
Selecting one of these links will open the full text. Watch for the green Check for Full Text most of our databases.
If we do not have online access to an article you find, a message will display indicating the library has the journal In the Library in print or not at all. Print periodicals are on the 2nd floor of the library. Place an Interlibrary Loan Request for anything else.