The CCCOER collects open access resources for the creation of textbook alternatives, in addition to open content repositories and developmental tools. Access to over 500 open textbooks, as well as a useful guide to creating and implementing your own open access textbook.
Scanned copies of millions of books from libraries around the world. Many are openly and fully available online, while others have a preview option. Google will connect you to libraries and bookstores where the print versions are available. Some features require free account registration with Google.
A large-scale preservation project that includes many books that are in the public domain (published before 1922) which can be viewed full-text. You can limit your search results to these titles by selecting "Full View Only" in the search interface.
Open access textbook publishing initiative established by State University of New York libraries and supported by SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grants.
A catalog of open access textbooks to be reviewed by faculty members, made available by the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Human Development. All textbooks in this catalog are openly licensed, complete, and available in print at very little cost.
Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books from the public domain. Full-text downloads are available in a variety of formats for computers and mobile devices.
BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher of 251 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals, primarily in biology and medicine.
Brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide. Curated by university librarians and their supporting institutions, the Network includes a growing collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.
PLOS publishes seven peer-reviewed open-access journals. The journals vary in their selectivity and contain differing amounts of commentary articles from opinion leaders in a variety of scientific disciplines.
A living database with new materials added every day, featuring prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more. Some of the images in the Digital Gallery may be subject to third party rights such as copyright and/or rights of privacy/publicity.
Public domain images, royalty free stock photos, copyright friendly free images. Not copyrighted, no rights reserved. All pictures on this site are explicitly placed in the public domain, free for any personal or commercial use.
An online collection of thousands of video tutorials on subjects such as mathematics, history, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and economics.
Contains digital movies uploaded by Archive users which range from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts.
Teaching materials, lesson plans and a huge library of online videos from the Annenberg Foundation. Videos available for streaming online only, not download.
Provided by the Internet Archive library, hundreds of free courses, video lectures, and supplemental materials from universities in the United States and China. Many of these lectures are available for download.
A collection of high quality, free-to-use courses that you can download and use for teaching. All content is stored in Google docs making it easy to access, browse and download.
Free and open digital publication of high quality educational materials, organized as courses. A collaboration of more than 200 higher education institutions and associated organizations from around the world creating a broad and deep body of open educational content using a shared model.
Another freely accessible, online collection of courseware, this from Yale University. Lectures and course material available through YouTube and iTunes; no registration required.