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Norwich University Kreitzberg Library

Kreitzberg Library for CGCS Students

Course Developer Library Guide

Learn how the Kreitzberg Library can support your course development and teaching.

Information Literacy Instruction

With heavy research demands in many CGCS programs, as well as the practical resources the library provides, there is ample opportunity to provide information literacy instruction. We offer a number of flexible ways to bring in the library and are always open to other ideas!

Learning Objects

Please contact us if you are interested in adding library learning objects to your course.

We will work to make sure the content matches with the learning outcomes and the topics covered in the class. We can also build a quiz in the classroom to grade students on their understanding of the concepts covered in the learning object.

Please see below for an example of a learning object, a Library Research Lesson, being used in the MH510 seminar.

Course Guides

We can also create individual course guides that will feature helpful databases for your students that relate to the topics covered in the class.

These are less in-depth than Library Research Lessons but can still be helpful for students wondering where to start.

Please see below for an example.

Discussion Forums - Embedded Librarian

The Online Learning Librarian can join your Moodle course and participate in discussion boards for specific weeks.  

Discussions can either be ungraded or ungraded, and the librarian responds to all questions and posts in that discussion board for that week. 

Below is an example of an ungraded discussion board prompt. 

Ungraded Library Discussion Board Example in Moodle

Contact Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Claire Veach
158 Harmon Drive
Room 104
Northfield, VT 05663