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Faculty Services

Integrate Online Library Resources into NUoodle

EBSCO Databases Include...

  • Academic Search Premier
  • America: History & Life with Full Text
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection
  • APA PsycINFO
  • Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
  • Business Source Premier
  • CINAHL with Full Text
  • Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
  • ERIC (through EBSCO)
  • GeoRef
  • GreenFILE
  • Historical Abstracts
  • MEDLINE (through EBSCO)
  • Military & Government Collection
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • SPORTDiscus with Full Text

Where to Find the Permalink

In the detailed record, select the permalink icon from the tools menu in the right sidebar. The tool will automatically generate a URL with the proxy prefix that you can share with your students.

EBSCO permalink tool location