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Norwich University Kreitzberg Library

Kreitzberg Library for CGCS Students

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About CINAHL with Full Text

CINAHL with Full Text provides full text articles for the top nursing and allied health literature available and covers a wide range of topics including nursing, biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, and consumer health.

Conducting a Search

The screenshot examples below show a search for articles about governance and health policy.

  • I put my keywords into different search boxes to make the search simpler.
  • Click the green Search button to start finding journal articles.

Use governance, health, and policy as keywords and put into different boxes before clicking on the green search button.

Reviewing Search Results

This search found 2,662 results for journal articles.

  • Results are sorted by relevance with the most relevant articles shown at the top of the list of results.
  • To read the article in full, click on either HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text (depending on what is available for that article).
  • If the full text is not available, click on the Check for Full Text button. This will allow you to search in other databases or request it through Interlibrary Loan. 

Results are sorted by relevance with the most relevant results shown at the top of the list. Look for the HTML Full Text and PDF Full Text links.

Linking to an Article

You will need to include a permalink to the article in your citation.

  • When you click on an article in the list of results, the record will open.
  • Pick Permalink from the options on the right side of the page.
  • The permalink will open above the title of the article.

Click on Permalink from the options on the right side of the page to get the link to the article.